Embodying the sacred woman

We are perfect and beautiful just as we are.




Love, Healing and Empowerment

A  woman’s greatest strength and sacred purpose are found within the unique qualities of her body. Yet over millennia, the feminine has been suppressed, with a woman’s self-worth coming increasingly from masculine values such as assertiveness and logical thinking, while she finds fault with her body, especially its natural hormonal cycles, the very essence of her power. This disconnection from her body’s rhythms, powerful emotions, self-love and intuitive insights, often contribute to the onset of disease.

Yet, without the transformative gifts of women, humanity has no future; not just from a lack of children but from the failure to give birth to new visionary ideas, essential for our evolution. A woman’s body is the soil for all new growth. When the soil is laden with old wounds and unhealthy beliefs especially about being a woman, often passed down from female ancestors, then any newly planted seeds can only produce the same unhealthy results; pain, shame and disempowerment.

Join us on an extraordinary, mystical journey through your own body, within a safe and sacred space. Using music to quiet the overactive mind and visual imagery to set intention, marvel at your body’s sacred temple, clearing along the way, grief, ancestral wounds, unhealthy beliefs and outdated stories, so your inspirational dreams can be turned into reality, for the benefit of you and your family.

We owe it to our daughters and grand-daughters to provide new and positive female models so they can value, respect, and honor their bodies; be that role model.

  • How did we forget our sacred purpose?
  • What can our physical body teach us about our true identity as women?
  • Why is it important to purify our womb of ancestral wounds and outdated stories to create a healthy space for new growth?
  • How to align to the energies of the dark moon – whatever our age – to cleanse, nurture and inspire ourselves, our families and the planet.
  • How to let love in and love ourselves to ensure a healthy heart and breasts
  • Why does our body’s shape and function change at menopause?
  • How to shift the center of power to the womb from the throat, letting the dragon queen speak.
  • When are the most potent times for intuitive insight?

See also in Women’s Seminars:

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