Woman holding a bright white light

Episode 168 History Completing not Repeating

Dec 16, 2021 | Heartspeak, Podcasts | 2 comments

With Chiron, the wounded healer turning direct in Aries, the new world is calling us to heal the wounds of separation from our Divine wholeness. Over the next few weeks, we’ll see echoes of ancient wounding caused by dictators, Empires, wars & plagues, urging us to heal once & for all. Hold strong, stay centered & flow with Mother Nature as amazing multi-dimensional healing takes place.


  1. Noel

    Christine, I found this podcast to be EXACTLY what I needed to hear right now. It makes so much sense to me that we are clearing/healing very old energies rising to the surface (such as with old empires in Austria and Great Britain), and I love your continued emphasis on taking personal responsibility and making choices based on what is for our own highest good regardless of what others around us are doing. I also find it so helpful to have a general timeline in my mind of how long this intense period of old energies being brought to the surface might last (2025 or 2026). Thank you thank you!!

    • christinepage



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