Living In a Holographic Universe

by Dr. Christine Page | Past Talks

Living in a Holographic Universe – Winston Salem 2006

September 2006 | Past Talks

This talk includes; how to clear out old patterns of behavior to make way for new abundance, how the whales transmit the frequency of consciousness through their songs, the role of wormholes, how to increase synchronicity and the patterns belonging to Indigo and Crystal children PLUS a visual imagery exercise to connect to the heart of the Great Mother.

Selected teaching from this seminar: The Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children
Once we accept that everything outside us is a holographic representative of our perceptions or thoughts, we free ourselves from being a victim of our circumstances or other peoples; actions and take control of our own lives, with the choice to change our reality if we choose, by changing our perceptions.

The Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children

Indigo children – the title coined in the 1970s – struggle to shift old dogmas and institutional ideals often causing them to be labeled as being difficult, anti-social or suffering from ADHD and being drugged accordingly. The fallout from such widespread prescribing is still to be determined but we need to acknowledge and celebrate the courage of these young people whose impact today will affect the generations who follow. Characteristics include:

  • Empathic, intuitive and sensitive
  • Able to see through lies
  • Strong-willed warriors
  • Interested in New Age or metaphysical matters
  • Resistant to authority
  • Peacemakers

Crystal children – who appeared on the planet around 1990 – are strong, confident, knowing exactly who they are, where they’ve come from and why they’re here. They don’t need parenting, causing consternation to their parents who are unsure what to do with these wise old souls within the bodies of their children. Their confidence gives them a natural, egoless manner where things are simple and clear. For instance; a five year old was found walking around a healing center where children were usually barred. When questioned, she replied that the reason she was there was to observe the situation before taking over the clinic later in life.

Another 6 year old was observed offering his thoughts on the meaning of life and the function of the Universe to his fellow students. When advised by the teacher that he was just the student, he simply replied; “Madam you are here to help me read and count and after that I am your teacher!”

They express the following characteristics:

  • Remember their connection to the divine source
  • Aware of their soul’s purpose
  • Don’t need parenting
  • Are here to establish group or unity consciousness
  • Have clairvoyant & healing gifts
  • Express unconditional love

Rainbow Children – These children appeared on the planet after 2000 and express these characteristics:

  • Smiling and bright eyed.
  • Wise beyond their years
  • Loving
  • Full of forgiveness

Further teachings on the Holographic Universe can be found in Christine’s books Mirror of Existence, Spiritual Alchemy and 2012 and the Galactic Center; the Return of the Great Mother.


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